
E-commerce. Master data management. ERP.
We write about all topics related to PIM that we can think of.
What is PIM and how it enables your business
A PIM solution can integrate data from the ERP, CRM and any other product- or customer-related platform used by the business. For companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central, Pimics is special among PIM systems because it works directly on the ERP data so that it offers additional synergies, plus no data exchange between Pimics and ERP will ever be necessary. See our article for a set of compelling reasons why you should consider using Pimics.
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Pimics for Business Central version 2.0 released
The world is moving to the cloud and Microsoft Dynamics solutions are not different. Microsoft has been working on Business Central hard for the last several months. The Business Central October '19 release is the first version without windows RTC client. Everything runs through a web client or mobile application. So at least from my view, it is the first version which is fully cloud based. Yes, there is still an on-premise version. But the movement to the cloud is quite well visible.Also we with our PIM solution need to move forward and follow Microsoft steps. We released Pimics for Business Central in version 2.0. This version is currently available on AppSource and it is compatible with the latest Business Central version. 
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