Data Exchange

Easier and more automated exchange of product data between vendors reduces the error rate of the data.
What is PIM and how it enables your business
A PIM solution can integrate data from the ERP, CRM and any other product- or customer-related platform used by the business. For companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central, Pimics is special among PIM systems because it works directly on the ERP data so that it offers additional synergies, plus no data exchange between Pimics and ERP will ever be necessary. See our article for a set of compelling reasons why you should consider using Pimics.
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Making Apps Available to Most Businesses: Low-Code App Development
Apps are on the rise. Mobile ones especially. A business that offers a helpful app to its clients gets a significant advantage on the market. Until recently, only big brands with massive budgets have had access to app development. That is changing — app development is becoming more & more available. Even smaller businesses can afford a development of their own app without having to pay a fortune. Low-code development platforms are the solution.
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The BMECat advantage of Pimics
One of the most effective ways that you can populate your sales catalogue with product data using a PIM, is to employ standardized catalogue formats such as BMEcat or DataNorm, and standardized classification systems such as ETIM. Pimics supports all the mentioned formats plus others, allowing you great flexibility in effectively using data sources to your advantage while minimising manual intervention in the process of enriching the product data for the items that you sell.
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Download our free white paper, to learn more about how a PIM system can help you.
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