Pain #1: Overloaded product managers and marketing people
Having adopted PIM, you now have all your product data in one place – no more scattered pieces of information in Excel files in various folders. The product information database is always up-to-date and a Single Point of Truth to be referenced by all company employees. You can now track progress and product completion.
Much less manual editing is necessary, through data standardization and features like data inheritance and bulk changes. Digital assets like pictures, data sheets, user manuals or presentation media are easily and centrally managed.
Data imports and exports in relation to business partners are streamlined and standardized, so that big quantities of data can be imported to the system or exported from it easily and fast; Pimics also supports industry-standard data formats like BMECat or Datanorm. Integration with various sales and marketing channels is set up once and then it works automatically every time - no more need for manual preparation of data feeds, ever.
If accessing geographically dispersed markets, translation handling is efficient and there is no room for error in sending the right product description to the right sales channel.
Unheard of? No, just PIM.
Pain #2: Sluggish time-to-market and low adaptability
After having PIM in place, onboarding new products in big volumes is done at least 2x quicker than before. Product data can be immediately previewed or updated to the frontend.
Printed catalogues do not take weeks or months to prepare anymore; they are ready within a few days and always incorporate the latest product data at print time. You can assemble ad-hoc brochures tailored to particular customers and export them in PDF format using predefined templates.
After product data modification in Pimics you can instantly deliver update feeds to multiple digital platforms. By using publications, you can include or take out individual items or whole sections of your online catalogue(s) with just a few clicks.
Pain #3: Inconsistent product information within the same channel or between channels
If your business is struggling with consistently inconsistent product data, then the newfound data quality and consistency after implementing a good PIM solution like Pimics will make you congratulate yourself for taking that decision. Maintaining a centralised product data repository means you will always have the same data about the same product, no matter the channel or the level of detail. According to the desired customer experience, you can set different levels of detail or different ways of presenting information for products in various sales channels; but for sure you will always have accurate and consistent data that your customers will love.
Scaling up sales channels is just a matter of setting up new publications; Pimics already has connectors for popular eCommerce platforms, and can access a lot more sales and marketing channels through syndication platforms like Channable.
That is extraordinary news.
Pain #4: Less than optimal customer experience and many product returns
Because online customers are increasingly knowledgeable about the purchases they make online, providing them with rich and accurate information about your products will give you the best chance to convert website clicks to actual sales. Having correct and complete online product information by virtue of a good PIM system ensures a lot fewer returns on your sales, and much better reviews.
Tight integration with eCommerce platforms means your customers will always access fresh information about your products. And importantly, statistics show that using PIM generates at least 10% more business from increased eCommerce conversions and sales channel multiplication.
Yes, solving customer-facing problems will always be the biggest priority.
Originally published on: 28.04.2021
Updated on: 10.02.2025